The Era of Mobile Gaming & it’s Astonishing Facts
The Era of Mobile Gaming & it’s Astonishing Facts Considering the unceasing trend of gaming on smartphones and tablets, mobile gaming has become quite dominant in the last few [...]
3 Technological advances that are going to take over your mind like a magician
Self-driving cars Self-driving cars have already become an exciting part of the automobile industry and they are considered to be safer as compared to existing human-driven cars. In the [...]
How Modern technology is advancing in the year 2022
Today, technology is a part of just about everything we do. We are immersed in technology from smart phones to modern computers. Yet, the question remains - at what [...]
3 Ways How Women in Tech are Breaking the Bias
A few years ago, it was no secret that fewer women worked in tech than men at this point in time. As per recent Fortune’s 500 list of 2021, [...]